How To Choose A Senior Photographer | California Senior Pictures | Sharon Wallace Photography

Congratulations! Your Senior Year! Accomplishments!

Now to celebrate and mark the occasion with Professional Portraits, but wait…… How do you choose the right Senior Photographer for you?

How to choose a Senior Photographer? From friends with a cell phone, Aunt Jane with her new camera, to any of the local photographers or Nationally recognized Senior Photogs - how do you choose? Well, find some tips and suggestions right here to help you choose the perfect photographer, experience and end products that fit your budget and needs to help you celebrate this accomplishment in style!


Tip 1 - Use a Nationally Recognized Senior Photographer. Would you go to the local dollar store to find an awesome and amazing prom dress? Probably not….You would most likely try to find a designer dress from a specialty dress shop who provides unique and individualized dresses. Further more, they would be able to fit you figure, make recommendations, provide the latest styles that flatter your skin tones, and be able to alter or adjust the dress for a perfect vision.

Use that same sensibility when choosing a Senior Photographer. Friends might be able to capture some fun cell or camera shots that capture your personality, Aunt Jane might get some practice and some great shots, but can they really capture the perfect lighting in any situation or location? Help you pose with expertise that really makes you look amazing in the outfit? or help style you to show off your personality?

Sharon Wallace Photography, a national recognized and nationally published photographer invests time each year in networking and educational courses to improve her photography skills, videography, networks with other leading Senior Photographers across the country to provide you the latest technology and trends, as well as uses the best professional pro printing labs for heirloom products that help you capture your well deserved Senior Portrait Experience & enjoy the specialty curated heirloom keepsake items like albums, and wall art. Moms love flipping through the album when you are away at college!

Here at Sharon Wallace Photography we also have an ever growing style closet - you can pull from to enhance your look!

We also invest in the best camera & lighting equipment - so we have the tools to do the job right.


Tip - 2 Make sure you like the Senior Photographer’s Style. Do your homework and go to the Senior Photographer’s website and Instagram to see if you like their style. If you like drama & you see light and airy wedding photos…..then perhaps they are not the best fit for you. If you see tons of newborn pictures but no Seniors…..then perhaps they are not the photographer for you.

Here at Sharon Wallace Photography we use a clean classic editing style. We do this for a few reasons but mostly so your albums and wall art never look dated. They last for years and we want you to show them off! Your images will always look amazing on grandma’s mantle or piano. We can can always throw on filter for those social media images if you prefer a look that is based on a current trend or we are happy to have you do it yourself!


Tip - 3 Price Does Matter. Be Frugal. Being Frugal is never about the cost of something - but saving money and spending it on the things you value - or the things that can bring you joy. Cheap is not Frugal.

Educate yourself about the value the Senior Photographer is bringing you.

Is the photographer less experienced, shooting pictures and giving you digitals - but doesn’t help you pose or provide styling guidance. Here at SWP we’ve got you covered and help guide you with confidence.

Maybe the photographer offers a session with product collections but is only available to shoot at the golden hour because they don’t know how to use pro lighting and only shoot natural light. SWP is prepared with pro lighting to shoot any time of day.

Can the photographer travel to your desired location? Here at SWP we specialize in travel and destination Senior Experiences. Our Passport is ready!

Your Senior Portrait Session is all about the Experience so let us help make yours memorable! To check out our Senior Experiences and select the one that fits your budget, head on over to our Senior Experiences Page!

You’re  sure to find the perfect Senior Session Experience right here!


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