How to Prep for Tests | 10 Test Taking Tips | Sharon Wallace Photography | California Senior Pictures


10 Tips to prepare or study for your next test

Test taking strategies can help your scores as you are taking college prep tests, finishing up your Senior year with all the distractions or even taking your first college courses. Strategies that hit multiple learning styles helps with memory, recall, and with connecting concepts and facts in a way that you can use during the test. Check out these top 10 test taking strategies…


1 - Plan Study Time

Try setting aside a regular time of day for study sessions. It is much easier to make study time a habit, or to be consistent by placing the activity on your schedule. It is ok to rework your schedule as things come up. It can be so easy to procrastinate by letting work or other activities interfer - so setting up a regular schedule for study sessions can really be helpful.


2 -Start Studying Early

Take the time to start reviewing and studying early. Reviewing with a group can help with understanding and exploration of concepts. By beginning your review early you have plenty of time to gain additional knowledge and thoroughly review your notes.


3 - Use/Prepare An Outline

Write down the key concepts and main topics to be covered and organize them in a logical sequence of review. The act of re-writing along with thinking about the concepts and their connections help to solidify concepts and place them in our memory with connections to the topics.


4 - Use Visual Aids

Both the act of making flash cards and using flash cards or other charts or diagrams or other visual aids can greatly enhance your studying - especially if you are a visual learner.


5 - Listen to Music

Listening to Music while you study can really help touch our audible senses and really make brain connections when studying or trying to memorize facts. “Remember School house Rock?” - If you grew up in the 70’s - Saturday mornings were filled with cartoons & TV - but also School House Rock with “I Am A Bill,” “The Preamble (We the People),” “Conjunction Junction”, and other such music videos made by Disney for kids to learn math, history, grammar etc. They really stick in you head and have instant recall for me! Listening to your favorite music helps to engage that area of your brain and assists with remembering the concepts. Check the preamble out below or click on the links in the text……..


6 - Get Plenty of Sleep the night before a test.

Don’t cram. Getting plenty of sleep the night before a test is important. If you you show up tired for a test it is much harder to think straight!


7 - Hydrate and Eat Well.

Make sure you stay healthy physically and emotionally prior to a big test. Eat well and stay hydrated and stay emotionally healthy and happy. Eating junk can make your blood sugar fluctuate and you may not feel so well. Use your core group of friends, your family or church for emotional/spiritual support. Additionally, I find personally that a good brisk walk outdoors helps me to focus, clear my head and stay emotionally strong.


8 - Use mnemonics or acronyms

Strategies to help you memorize facts. A Mneumonic like “ARITHMETIC” - A Rat In Tom’s House Might Eat Tom’s Ice Cream or an Acronym such as “SMART” Goals - Specific, Measurable Achievable, Relevant, Timely can really help to remember the details or concepts. The funnier or more outlandish they are - sometimes the easier they are to remember.

9 - Take a Mock Test

Taking a mock test can help you hone in on the areas you need to review or prepare more.


10 - Test Taking Strategies

Read the question completely. Read the answers completely. Make sure you understand the directions. Don’t rush but make sure you use the test taking time wisely. Stay on track.


These are exciting times in your life but can be stressful as well. So, kick back, plan, and enjoy your Senior Year experience!




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